So much chocolate this week at Tante Marie Culinary Academy. So many ways to make and serve it and for fudge, so much stirring my arm is still sore. I traded my neighbor chocolate and pastries for healthy power balls. I am learning patience with all the pastry rolling, folding, rolling some more, folding, shaping, rising, baking, decorating….I have a whole new level of respect for pastry chefs. I am really enjoying the 2 to 1 teacher to student ratio we now enjoy. I am learning so many new things, although this quotient doesn’t bode well for my bad habits in the kitchen to go unnoticed. We spent one day revising for our final exam. Need to learn all kinds of things like the many parts of a dead cow and lamb. To remember what Offal is, I use a different homonym and it doesn’t start with O. Cheese tasting workshop and a personal chef making us Eggs Benedict with homemade English muffins and a full English Breakfast rounded out the week. I am going to miss culinary school when it’s over.